Tag Archives: android

Android zoomable-pannable ImageView

PhotoView aims to help produce an easily usable implementation of a zooming Android ImageView.

  • Out of the box zooming, using multi-touch and double-tap.
  • Scrolling, with smooth scrolling fling.
  • Works perfectly when using used in a scrolling parent (such as ViewPager).
  • Allows the application to be notified when the displayed Matrix has changed. Useful for when you need to update your UI based on the current zoom/scroll position.
  • Allows the application to be notified when the user taps on the Photo.
  • PhotoView GitHub site

    Disabling Certificate Validation in an HTTPS Connection

    By default, accessing an HTTPS URL using the URL class results in an exception if the server’s certificate chain cannot be validated has not previously been installed in the truststore. If you want to disable the validation of certificates for testing purposes, you need to override the default trust manager with one that trusts all certificates.

    Great tutorial and sample code here!

    Disable Android 2.3 View overscrolling on prior versions

    Update Developers reported, that this does not work/misbehaves on several devices, so should be avoided.

    Android Gingerbread enables by default overscrolling in default orange style, which could be disturbing in many layouts.
    To disable it you can use the setOverScrollMode method with the OVER_SCROLL_NEVER parameter, however it is not available on prior Android versions.
    Here is a safe solution for all Android versions:

    public static void disableOverscroll(View view) {
    Class viewCls = view.getClass();
    try {
    Method m = viewCls.getMethod("setOverScrollMode",
    new Class[] { int.class });
    int OVER_SCROLL_NEVER = (Integer) viewCls.getField(
    m.invoke(view, OVER_SCROLL_NEVER);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    // swallow

    By alex on Stackoverflow.com

    Android 3.x Action Bar customization

    The ActionBar UI component has been introduced in Android 3.0 and above, and it seems to become the standard way to use tabs and context/action menus in Android applications.
    You may also customize the ActionBar associated to your application in different ways through this great tutorial, however you might run into errors when you wish to override Tab item styles, to resolve this issue,
    check this blog for a very straightforward solution. (due to private API issues)